Baurzhan Zhussupov
Kazakhstan Academy of Preventive Medicine (KAPM), Kazakhstan
Dr. Sharman has 30 years experience in the fields of biomedical science, clinical research, and healthcare management. As a researcher Dr. Sharman designed a methodology for integrated population-based HIV testing which was implemented in several developing countries and has become a standard methodology for the international demographic and health surveys. HIV testing data generated by using this methodology was used by UNAIDS to lower the estimate of the number of people afflicted by HIV in the world by 7 million cases. During the last several years, Dr. Sharman concentrated on healthcare management and academic medicine in Kazakhstan. He was founding CEO of the National Medical Holding (NMH) and member of Executive Board of Nazarbayev University. Dr. Sharman is current member of the American Public Health Association and President of Kazakhstan Academy of Preventive Medicine. He also co-founded HealthCity, a network of private centers for personal medicine